Quick Tips: How to Use your Ginger Pulp

Dec 01, 2019Beckah Sheeler Development Collaborator
Quick Tips: How to Use your Ginger Pulp

So you went ahead and juiced some ginger (which doesn't have much juice to squeeze), and you're wondering if you should toss that pulp... 

Ginger isn't exactly ideal for eating, especially in its pulp form. So what should you do? We'll let you in on a little Pulp HQ pro tip: 

We make the freshest ginger tea out there! 

Perfect in time for winter, you can pair your ginger pulp tea with pumpkin spice creamer for a delicious wintery tea latte, or add lemon, honey, cayenne and turmeric to stave off a cold. 

Step 1:

Dry out the ginger to make a more potent tea. Honestly, we leave the ginger pulp in the fridge, uncovered, overnight as the easiest way to dry it out quickly. You don't need to do this if you're looking to make some tea right away -- however, it does enhance the flavor! 

Step 2: 

Heat up some water to boil. Prepare your reusable tea infuser (stainless steel ones are abundant and safe!) with the ginger pulp. I would say 1 tbsp of fresh pulp per cup of tea is a good measure, but adjust depending on how strong you like your tea.  

Step 3:

Steep to taste. The nice thing is, the flavor of the ginger increases over time without turning bitter like tea leaves. I leave mine sitting for 5 minutes or so (more time if I didn't leave it to dry out). 

Step 4:

Add your mix-ins. Mentioned above, it's a great morning ritual if you add a shot of apple cider vinegar, a touch of honey, juice of half a lemon, cayenne pepper and perhaps some turmeric and pepper if you're feeling under the weather, or just want to get that metabolism going.

For afternoons, or after a meal to aid digestion - add some pumpkin spice creamer to double as a sweet treat. Ginger makes for a great digestive tea.


Let us know if you have other ideas for ginger pulp in the comments :) we love to hear! 

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